Debt Management and Financial Balance Counseling

Debt Management and Financial Balance Counseling

Are you struggling with debt? You are not alone. Many American families are still struggling with overwhelming consumer debt. The worst thing you can do if you’re having debt problems is to just ignore the situation. Unfortunately, debt has a habit of hanging around and in many cases, accumulating. It becomes a cycle few can see or escape from in life. It is important to take a proactive approach to turn your situation around and get you back on track to saving for your future instead.

We will help you create a balanced approach to debt reduction. Balancing savings with debt reduction and helping you get off the debt “tread-mill.” We look at the “money scripts” and biases that sabotage your financial plans, goals and aspirations. We can help you develop and follow a reasonable plan to gain true financial stability.

JD Cowan & Company, LLC has relationships with several local debt counseling professionals. We can connect you with one of these helpful professionals to evaluate your personal money scripts and tackle the root causes of financially self-defeating behaviors.